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Qualitative Live Blood Process

Dr. Ross Andersen DC, ND

The Miracle Hunter

Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist Live Blood Analyst/Instructor

Quantum Muscle Response Testing (QMRT) Practitioner/Instructor

Natural Health & Wellness Practitioner

It’s best if clients understand at least a little bit about the live blood process and how it

operates. The purpose of this dissertation is so that practitioners who might be referring

people understand the process and can advise their clients.

They need to fast from the night before and drink 8-10 ounces of purified water before

arriving for their analysis. The purpose of this is to make sure the blood is of the proper

consistency so that it will spread on a microscope slide and a proper exam can be

performed. Fasting is done because high blood fats will obscure imaging and make it

very difficult to do the evaluation.

It takes approximately one hour to do the full process. As I have done over 8300 of

these now, I am very quick at it and can usually get an excellent sample within about 3

to 4 minutes. Rarely do I have to do a second sample, although it does happen


Once the sample is obtained, it goes on the microscope and the proper software is set

up for viewing and recording the examination. I’m currently recording some

examinations for research and teaching purposes. Client names are not attached to the

video files.

The exam is usually finished within the hour and I have all raw data on a data recording

form. I am the only live blood practitioner that re-checks the slide after eight hours of

what I call blood culturing. The drop of blood on the microscope slide is no longer in the

body, being cleaned by the blood cleaning organs that are working constantly. What

grows on that sample is growing and being cleaned out on a constant basis. Revisiting

the sample after eight hours gives me information about what infections they have and

the levels of stress on their detox mechanisms. This is incredibly important information

and virtually no one else does this part of the exam, unless they studied with me. Even

some who studied with me are too lazy to come back and look at the samples later in

the day.

It is a bit challenging if you have three or four samples to look at, as putting them back

on the scope is a skill that has to be learned and practised very carefully. After this part

of the exam, the raw data is finished and the form goes on a pile to wait to be

transformed into a report. The reports take between 30 and 40 minutes each and I work

from the previous report to save myself time as certain aspects are frequently the same

or similar.

Reports can take up to a week to finish, depending on how many live blood exams I

have done in the last few days. If I only have one, the report might be done in a day. If I

have three or four live blood exams in a couple of days, it might take me up to a week to

finish a report. That is simply the reality of the situation if clients want top-quality

information. This process has evolved over the years since 1995 and has turned into

what I consider the most sophisticated live blood report anywhere. I have seen what

other people are producing and it is frequently highly inadequate and not up to or close

to my standards.

Once the report is finished, it is emailed to the client or they can pick up hardcopy if they

live nearby. Email seems to work best and another document accompanies the report.

That document is designed to help people understand the report, which is moderately

technical. The client is requested to make a list of questions or highlight areas of the

report that need clarification and a debriefing is scheduled in the near future to happen

by phone or other media. The debriefing usually takes 10 or 15 minutes and answers

any questions the client might have in regards to the results. They can also ask

questions about recommendations and such if they need to.

I hope this little dissertation helps clear up any confusion about how the process works

and when things are done and how. Thank you so much for reading and for your


Above are pictures of both normal and abnormal blood cell structures. Upper left is a

healthy lymphocyte white blood cell. Upper right is a healthy monocyte, a very important

cell. The lower left shows severely degenerated red blood cells with a fungal colony.

The lower right picture is of red blood corpuscles which have been damaged through

oxidative stress caused by electromagnetic radiation exposure, which can lead to

severe diseases.

I currently have over a thousand hours of live blood analysis examinations archived in

my video files. Hundreds of evaluations on people who are unwell and many who are

healthy. Being able to read the blood is an extremely learnable and valuable art and


Dr. Ross Andersen DC ND

Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist Live Blood Analyst/Instructor

Quantum Muscle Response Testing (QMRT) Practitioner/Instructor

Natural Health & Wellness Practitioner

Copyright 2024

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